Patrick & Jennifer Fox
Welcome to the Boulder Creek Lodge Montana website and the fullfillment of our life-long dream.
For most of our adult lives as a family or as a couple, we have been taking vacations traveling the western United States, visiting dude ranches, riding the rapids, staying at amazing B&B's, enjoying the immense grandeur of the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone National Park and many other locations.
Over the years, we came to realize that in fact we had fallen in love with the great states of Montana, Wyoming and Colorado. After traveling each state extensivity we have found a hospitality business in the Boulder Creek Lodge Montana.
Boulder Creek Lodge fullfills our search for the opportunity to meld our love and passion for the hospitality industy, meeting new people, making new friends and having it located in one of the most beautiul and picturesque areas in the country. It is our place to create a dream.
Walt Disney World coined the phrase as "Being the Happiest Place on Earth", but we promise on a daily basis to prove it is possible to have at least one more place that you will think of in the same way.
Patrick and Jennifer J. Fox