Weather conditions in northern Illinois is snow, cold and more of the same for the next 5 days. Vacation plan NOW - its Go-Time
It is February in northern Illinois, and the temperatures over the next five days are projected to be a high of about 10 degrees. (We live in northern Illinois during the winter)

It is time to take a summer time pause from all Covid-19 in Chicago and Illinois and experience a summer vacation of a lifetime.
I am very familiar with the CDC recommended precautions related to social distancing, but also thank goodness that more and more vaccinations are being administered each and every day. By May, June, July and August there will be RV Parks, and camping sites probably pretty booked up and reserved. Now is the time to take action... It's GO TIME....

The route I would personally take from Chicago to our resort Boulder Creek Lodge is in my opinion the easiest to drive. Almost the entire trip would take place on the all too familiar I-90. While it is possible to essentially take I-90 all the way west, I would recommend a easy to drive detour.
Given that most ofus traveling via RV or pulling a trailer use GPS software in the truck or perhaps on a phone you should use the destination for best directions. Input The 7th Ranch RV Park located within a mile or two from The Little Big Horn Battlefield National Monument. Your GPS will direct you down into Wyoming for a few miles, but it's an easy detour and well worth the diversion from I-90.

While the main entrance sign to the Little Big Horn Battlefield is a little nondescript, believe me the actual facility is pretty awesome and able to accommodate an RV or truck and trailer during the visit.
Across from the entrance into the memorial there is a nice little café well worth the walk. Good food and a great gift shop with beautiful native American art, priced reasonably.
If you would like a place to overnight I would recommend The 7th Ranch and RV Park just a few miles from The Little Big Horn.
From either The 7th Ranch or Little Big Horn you should put into your GPS, West Yellowstone. You will head north on I-90 where there will be many major gas/diesel options if you are in need.

I would personally route myself to the Yellowstone West Entrance as many of my guests have conveyed that it is their preference for ease of experiencing popular sites in the park.
Moving north from West Yellowstone most certainly make plans to stop in either Virginia City/Nevada City, Montana or Bannack Ghost Town.
If you get lucky enough to make your dream Montana vacation trip and it coincides with the Bannack Days when the old ghost town comes to life like it was back in the day... do it as it is something very special to experience.